Customs Clearance Planning
Documentation At Customs
Bonding Services
De-Bonding Services
Special Schemes
- Basic Information and Data’s
- Preparing Check List by Pre-Documentation
- Co-ordination with Shipping lines/Vessel Agents /Airlines and for Schedules of Arrival and Departure of shipments
- Manifest Instruction to Vessel Agents for Filing IGM with customs.
- Closely monitor with Liner/Agents for Manifest submission & Inward date.
- Analyzing the nature of the Consignment EXPORT / IMPORT and provide appropriate checklist for Documentation
- Advising appropriate Customs Tariff heading & with Exemption Notifications wherever applicable and to confirm DUTY STRUCTURE
- Advising various Trade Schemes Options provided by Govt that the client can take advantage
Mega Clearances Handled
- Metro Rail Project
- Power Project
- Factory Relocation
- Projects and ODC
- Liquid Bulk for Oil Major
- EDI filing and documentation at Port Customs, ICD / Air Cargo Complex
- Track the document Bill of Entry of Shipping Bill find the location.
- Monitor closely & co-ordinate with respective Customs Station for Assessment & Inspection
- Executing PD Bonds/Test Bond / RE Bond wherever applicable
- Effecting speedy clearance of the cargo and smooth process of Documentation
Mega Clearances Handled
- Metro Rail Project
- Power Project
- Factory Relocation
- Projects and ODC
- Liquid Bulk for Oil Major
- Processing of Private Bond License of Warehouse
- Processing Private Bond License of Shore Tanks for Liquid Bulk Handling
- Processing of Bonded License of Yard for Dry Bulk handling
- Processing of Public Bonded warehouse License to deposit multiple Customers Cargoes
- Processing MOOWR License
- Processing IGCR License
Mega Clearances Handled
- Metro Rail Project
- Power Project
- Factory Relocation
- Projects and ODC
- Liquid Bulk for Oil Major
- Into Bond & De Bonding the cargo under ‘Home Consumption’
- Clearance under various specialized schemes such as DEEC, DEPB, VKUY, Advance License, FTWZ and SEZ.
- Clearance Under in Bond transfer/ EOU Transfer / Bond to Bond Transfer etc.
- In Bond Sale & Bond to Bond Transfers in Bulk cargo.
Mega Clearances Handled
- Metro Rail Project
- Power Project
- Factory Relocation
- Projects and ODC
- Liquid Bulk for Oil Major
- Co-ordinating closely with Steamer Agents for Vessel Berthing & Handling, Loading / Discharge of cargoes from vessels at port
- Direct delivery arrangement from Ship/Terminals/ Yard
- Attending vessel for liaising NOR/TIME SHEET/SOF & issuance of B/L by the Agents & Master
- Protecting the Charterer interest against Demurrage, Detention, Stoppage, Berthing Delays & etc.
Mega Clearances Handled
- Metro Rail Project
- Power Project
- Factory Relocation
- Projects and ODC
- Liquid Bulk for Oil Major
- Clearance under IGCR & EPCG License
- Export Import under Advance License (ADL)
- Exports under RoDTEP & Duty Drawback schemes
- SEZ, FTWZ & Container Freight Station
Mega Clearances Handled
- Metro Rail Project
- Power Project
- Factory Relocation
- Projects and ODC
- Liquid Bulk for Oil Major
Industry We Serve
HELATH CARE AND HOSPITALSCertified by Assistant Drugs Controller.
MOTORSPORTSFMSCI (Federation of Motor Sports Club of India)
PERFUMERYADC (Assistant drugs Controller)
PHARMACEUTICALSCertified by Assistant Drugs Controller
ENGINEERINGChartered Engineer Certificate
FOOD PROCESSINGFSSAI (Food Safety and Standard Authority of India)